Saturday, September 8, 2007

DCE Natives authorize the shooting of OPP officers

When the OPP chase a vehicle that refuses to stop, the DCE criminals take note and decide to interfere. Listen closely and you will hear Natives authorizing one another to shoot OPP officers.

Later they interfere with the routing of an ambulance and dictate not only that the OPP must leave the scene (which they do to appease the Native Criminals) but also what route they are "allowed" to take back to Caledonia.

This 52 minutes of tape is by far the most damning evidence to date of 2 Tiered Justice, and that the OPP and McGuinty government have kept this a secret is a serious risk to public safety.

Please note this tape consists of both OPP and Native Radio transmissions from DCE during the same incident.

This material is being published for the express purpose of informing the public of the extreme danger posed by the maniacs at DCE. I in no way endorse or encourage the wreckless behavior (or OPP cowardice) exhibited in this recording.

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